Tag Archives: #photoshop

A Different Kind Of Creative

Before and After

This fix was requested by my Father’s wife Tere. I said yes, but I was thinking, “What???” Haha. It took me several days to complete. I am sure there are quicker, easier ways of doing things.

I worked the background first. That made it look about 50% done, so it boosted my confidence. Next, I worked on the “easy” fixes. Smaller cracks. I removed the red on the left, and in several areas. Erased the blue ink marks, made a border. Recreated a knee bottom left, a shoe bottom right. Painted the banner.

I worked girl by girl, doing the quick touch-ups first. The next pass I worked on the dark areas, the skirts. I whitened the blouses, evened out the many shades of grey, and reddish gray. Many were so damaged, I mostly “painted” them on.

I recreated a hand and arm, noses and mouths, eyes and hair. I blurred some edges, hardened others. I added a sepia filter, and that evened out the dicolorations even more. Boy did I have fun! Haha. πŸ™‚

Damaged Photo
Restored Photo
Restored Photo

Happy Weekend to you!