LYA #1 2017, Deanie Houghtaling, Phoenix AZ
Yay! Postcard art in my mailbox! This card traveled to Oregon and made a round trip back to Arizona. Phoenix is an hour and half down the hill. Deanie and have swapped before, and I am so excited to receive her card again this year.
This is a photo of the Love Locks in Paris France taken in 2016. Isn’t that a great thought?
On the back:
” I take in all the colorful locks that line the bridge. Each one told a story. Each lock represented a relationship that was once special, whether it ended or turned into true happiness. The locks represented a past, present and a possible future.”
Ashley Earley, Alone in Paris
Deanie added:
“I always want to know the story behind the lock!
I want to know the story as well. Don’t you think it would make a great movie? The story behind the stories? Well guess what, Hallmark has one. Learn about the real Love Locks.
You can find more from Deanie on Instagram, @deanie213 and @focusonphoenix. Check them out!
Thanks Deanie! I love this card. It has me thinking of Paris, happy stories, and you!