Amy Irwen, LYA side swap 2017.
This gorgeous surprise arrived today. All the way from Minnesota! At first glance I thought it was a collage. And it is of course, in a way. I love the vivid colors, the warmth, the pop of black. Love the ode to nature and the repeating shapes.
The date on this is 2016. Amy said she didn’t get her cards out this year. I am counting myself lucky to receive this “leftover”! Amy sent a personal message on the back of the card, and wishes me “Happy Arting!” She also included a sweet sticker tribute to a friend who was a mail artist. Isn’t that a terrific idea?
The card is postmarked the 17th of May. Arrived on the 25th. LOL. Thanks Amy for sharing your art with me! It was such a nice surprise!
Yesterday was Soul Art Day and It was a blessed day of creating. Tomorrow I will share the work with you.
Happy arting Amy – and to you all as well!