#12, After The Storm. 5.25 x 12 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
I really like how this turned out. I delayed starting the second session, for fear that I would muck it up. The clouds. That wicked voice of doubt was telling me, “You can’t paint a sunset. You’ve never painted one before. It’s not going to turn out right.”
I learned a lot on this. Need to learn a lot more. Like timing, how wet the paper needs to be, how fast you need to work. It’s more chunky, and messy than I would hope. It’s more pink (Rose Madder Lake) and less peach. (Gotta learn how to make a good peach). I maybe went to dark on the front range.
But EVEN with all that could be better stuff in my head. I really like it. What do you think? Oh and here is the reference photo.

After The Storm, Aug. 3 2017. © 2017 Sheila Delgado.
I am feeling more organized with this project. Cleaned up my computer files, renamed the documents. A digital dust and sweep, ha ha. That’s a good thing, because the rest of my space looks like a tornado hit it. I added a gallery page for the project as well. It will be easier to look back, and see them all together. I will be adding prices at some point. I have a busy week in front of me and I need to paint ahead if I can.
Oh, speaking of wind. We had a windy one the other day. And Mama Dove lost her nest. It fell into the neighbor’s yard. Very sad. And she has not come back. But we did have Robins eating the berries, and a hummer outside my window. And about eight Pronghorn sheep walking through the neighborhood.
The Liberate Your Art side swaps are starting to arrive. WOO WHOO! I just love this leaf! The warm and the cool, the crumbly textures. Awesome 😉 You can see more of Michele’s photography on her blog. Michele has multiple interests including fabric and fibers, surface design, stitching, weaving, and photography!

SS#1 Michele Matucheski
Kathy can be found at SolSisterStudio. This card started as a magazine page and gelli print. It has acrylic, oil pastels, Citrasolv and napkin decoupage. I keep hearing about Citrasolv. Really an interesting technique. This card makes me think of festive Christmas decorations. And that just makes me smile.

LYA SS #2 Kathy McIntire
Thank you Michele and Kathy for swapping with me again this year!! So much fun! I always look forward to seeing your creations 😉