Mingus Day #60. 5.25 x 5.25 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Playful little piece. I tried for a loose sky like those in the last post. Didn’t work, so I covered the area with blue, and then used tissue to form clouds, which turned into a single cloud. I liked how the first stroke with a dry brush worked in the foreground, tried three more times, but they did not soften as I had hoped. So I kept playing, added some rough marks. Not happy with those either, but the clock is ticking, and that cloud makes this redeemable in my book. Good news is, I can go back in and fix the foreground.
Laurelle asked about the watercolors I use, so I fell in the rabbit hole, and the pontificating follows. Always happy to share! This post is long, even though I do not go much into product comparison.

Watercolor Pans, Tubes and Crayons.
I love the Michaels Artist’s Loft™ Fundamentals™ Watercolor Pan Set. Can’t beat the $5 price, or the range of colors. Fun to play with, and I use it often. Not for pieces I might sell though. Definitely student grade, not archival.
Love the Caran d’Ache Neocolor II crayons. They are highly pigmented, and the colors are intense. They blend well, and can be grainy if you choose. (see Mingus #53) You can draw, and then add water. Or use a wet brush and pull color directly from the crayon. LOVE them!
My Winsor & Newton Cotman Sketcher’s Pocket Box Set is at least 20 years old. I have refilled the pans many times. All of the sets are so fun, I’d love to have one of each! Ha ha ha.
I use many tubes. Usually what I can find on sale. Here is a short list of brands I have at the moment:
Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolors
Winsor & Newton Professional water colour
Grumbacher Academy
M. Graham & Co.
Van Gogh
Da Vinci Gouache
So many more I would like to try!

Watercolor Tubes.

Watercolor Pencils.
Some of my watercolor pencils date back to the early 90’s. I did not use them very often, after school. Obviously. And I often forget to use them now. They are not as easily soluble as the crayons. If I plan on using them, I mix more paint than I think I will need. They are cheaper than tubes or the crayons, and last forever.
I do love that the Inktense colors are permanent once dry.
Faber Castell Albrecht Durer
Rexel Derwent/Derwent Watercolor
Derwent Inktense
Artist’s loft

Watercolor Brushes
The brush I am using most at the moment – Master’s Touch Round 16
Winsor & Newton Cotman Round
Princeton Snap! Round 16 & 10, 1″ stroke, or flat, 1″ Angle Shader – Had to have these. Silly. Just because the are short handle, and pretty. They match my studio. Haven’t tried them yet, as you can see. Waited and waited for a sale.
Bamboo Brushes
Some of the watercolor artists I follow use large brushes. I bought the Master’s touch, and I do love that you can load a large brush and paint large areas without having to stop to reload. This tip has not lasted though. (Mingus mangled it.) It still forms well, but the tip is slightly curved. And the brush is only a couple of months old. It is mid-point as far as price. So I am going to have to (gulp) get a more expensive brush. Or maybe two really cheap ones.
The Winsor was a decent brush, but this one is past its prime as well. It did shed now and then.
I most often reach for synthetic brushes. I love the Artist’s Loft™ Fundamentals™ White Synthetic Brushes. This pack is $5 and you get ten brushes! I use them for watercolor and for acrylic, (I keep the brushes separated). On my list this year is to add a few high quality natural hair brushes to my stash.

Darlene Cunnup, LYA Side Swap 2018.
Received this lovely surprise yesterday. From Darlene Cunnup. This is her 7th LYA. We have swapped several times, and I always look forward to her cards. At first glance I thought the defect was some sort of sculpture. Still lovely and moody Darlene! On the back was this terrific reminder, “Don’t forget to be Awesome!”
Take a look at her blog for more fabulous photos. If you need a dose of sweet, there are plenty of pups to peruse! Thanks Darlene for swapping! Can’t wait to see you next year 😉

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