Mingus Day #79. 5 x 11.5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
She’ll be coming ’round the mountain when she comes. Sorry. Popped into my head.
I was ready to do more in the same palette, the “hot” rusty colors from the last post. Then I spent two hours cleaning, searching for a small ruler. (Late last night.) I found a new tube of Naples yellow. And that was the inspiration for today’s painting. THAT is the color of the front range on a clear sunny day. Some days.
Ridiculous that two hours could pass so quickly. Felt like 30 minutes. I emptied the top tier of my rolling cart. Reorganized, straightened. No ruler. I looked through the second tier of the cart. Nothing. I looked in the one other place it might be. A tub filled with art supplies. Art supplies and things I crammed in there before company came. I took everything out. And put it back in again. No ruler.
I moved the rolling cart and looked underneath. Nothing. I bent down to pick up a small bit of paper and put it in the trash can. I don’t remember looking, but suddenly, there it was. Just resting on the back of my scanner. How in the world?

Oh where, oh where can it be?
Wouldn’t I have heard it land? Drop? I keep the ruler in with the brushes. In a small divided box that sits in the cart. I don’t know when it went missing, but I have looked for it about a week now. When I use the scanner, I do it all by touch. I never look under the desk while I scan. Honestly, I usually forget to dust under there as well.
For a moment, all is right in the little micro-universe that is my workspace. Time to paint.
Hope your day reveals happy accidents and sunny surprises!
#100DaysOfMingus Gallery