#22 WWM. 4 x 5 in. watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Starting to have mixed feelings about the paper in this journal. I tried to add more color to the bottom right corner of #22. I didn’t realize the first layer was not dry, and when I went in with more, the paper started to pill, as if I had scrubbed it. It’s hard to see in the corner, but you can see the effect in the shadow under the vase. The color is separating.

#23 WWM. 4 x 5 in. watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Scrubbed clean and ready.
After 100 days, it was time for a good scrub and clean. I scrubbed my brush washer cups, scrubbed the box that holds them. Cleaned the table top. The rinse cups are plastic, and stain easily. I clean them often with soap and water to get rid of the slimy film on the inside. I scrub them less often. I soaked them in bleach, and then scrubbed with Bon Ami.

Scrub -a-dub-dub, bub.
I also emptied and cleaned my Sketcher’s Palette box (Winsor & Newton Cotman). I wanted to switch out some of the colors I rarely use. I was painting with scraps on the bottom, of about half the colors. I had dabs of my most used colors on mixing palettes, instead of refilling the half pans.
I washed out the pans first. I had to let the box dry, before I was able to pull them out. The spilled paint acts as a glue. The lid comes off easily. Paint gets in where the lid and bottom overlap.
This set includes: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Pale, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue, Cobalt Blue Hue, Ultramarine, Sap Green, Viridian Hue, and Chinese White.
I eliminated Viridian, White, Cad. Red Pale, and Cobalt. I do use White, and Cobalt. When I need those, I can dab a little on a mixing palette. The Cobalt and Ultramarine are so similar, I think one in the set is enough.

Revamped Palette Box.
The palette colors are now: Burnt Sienna, Cad. Yellow, Naples Yellow, Indigo, Ultramarine, Burnt Umber, Sap Green, Cad. Orange, Alizarin Crimson, Bordeaux, and Cerulean. I have mixed Winsor Newton Cotman, Winsor Newton Professional, Grumbacher and Daniel Smith paints. This list is in no way complete and is not balanced with warm and cool shades of each hue.
I know I need a larger palette. I just haven’t decided which style, or how many pans. So many choices! I am doing a lot of research, and waiting for a sale. Ha ha ha.