Artwork Sampling
This is a small collection of the work that was created during the gathering. The group has grown to 132 members. In the past month, there were over 19 thousand posts, comments, and reactions shared within the group. That’s a lotta sharin’, talkin’, and cheerin’!

700 pieces were posted in the daily albums. 119 images were posted elsewhere. The day 1 album had the most posts, 31. The remaining daily album posts ranged between 17 and 30. This count is incomplete, however, due to misclassified posts.

The group was started as a continuation of the 30-Day challenge tradition. Many of the artists involved have been doing a bi-annual painting challenge for over 7 years. I am thrilled that so many choose to keep the challenge alive!
I am so honored to be among this group of creative talents. Your work is amazing! I applaud your learning and experimenting. Your desire for growth. Your generosity and graciousness with fellow group members. Congratulations everyone on our second fabulous event!
Thank you all for granting permission to share your work here and on the group Pinterest board. There are just over 100 images on the board. It is a fabulous gallery!
The art is shown in no particular order. You can click on the galleries (side by side images) to view the work without the title along the bottom. It will not, however, increase the size of the image. There is more art on the board from artists who write blogs. (They are directly pinable.)