This feels familiar to me. I’ve seen it somewhere before. New Mexico. Buried in my memories. Hoping it will come back to me.
I was looking at blankets yesterday. The nights are growing chilly. Easy to justify a pretty new blanket, right? Even though I have enough. Haha. I think this would make a great coverlet or throw. Maybe that thought will do for now. 😉
The top color is Natural Buff. The bottom is Tawny medium. It is more in the earthy spectrum, but here is it showing very mauve. And that is reflecting in the Buff.
I wish you could see what I see out the window,
the earth pink and yellow cliffs to the north,
the full pale moon about to go down in an early morning
lavender sky . . .
pink and purple hills in front
and the scrubby fine dull green cedars,
and a feeling of much space—It is a very beautiful world.
Georgia O’Keeffe