Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety. Rene Daumal
Mingus Sunset, 9-13-21. SMD
Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully. Kristen Butler
Mingus Storm, 10-5-21. SMD
For each thorn, there’s a rosebud… For each twilight – a dawn… For each trial – the strength to carry on, For each storm cloud – a rainbow… For each shadow – the sun… For each parting – sweet memories when sorrow is done. Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have started working on a small gift for a young gentleman. Acrylic on canvas, 4 x 4 inches. Honestly, I am very intimidated at the thought of painting fur. I found a very good Youtube video. Fingers crossed.
Beary Beginning
First Layers.
There are fires to the north of us, near Flagstaff. And fires to the east. Far enough away that we are not in the path. But the smoke has been visible all weekend. Today the view was a white wall. No sign of the mountain or hills.
Early Afternoon, 6.27.21
6 pm, 6.27.21
We had a nice spot of rain on Friday.
Rain Over Mingus. 6.25.21
Clouds are forecast for next week. A chance of some thunderstorms, but only slight hope for rain. Clouds are always welcome. Dry lightning. Not so much.
The sky and the sun are always there. It’s the clouds that come and go. Rachel Joyce
How sweet to be a cloud. Floating in the blue! A. A. Milne
We have had a terrific week of wintery weather. Yay! A little rain. A little snow. Wind. Mini hail pellets. The snow has been fast, and at times, furious. We had a squall that lasted all of 15 minutes. Then it was dry and calm, and only Mingus had visible snow. Hope you enjoy the views!