Mingus Day #10. 5.25 x 12 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
I find I am getting thrown off on which day I am to label the paintings. #The100DayProject started on the 3rd. I keep thinking I am two days behind. (Counting the 1st and 2nd). I have a feeling it might get really confusing later in the project.
I know I have said this before, might be a running theme. I have two starts on the table. One that needs a lot of work, and one that is almost finished. So while I am not ahead yet, I feel good about having WIP’s. I hope to get two or three days ahead, in case of emergency distraction.
Mingus is more often the darker mountain range. But now and then, the front range dominates as the dark. Today’s painting was loosely inspired by this photo.

Mingus Light. © 2017 Sheila Delgado.
The more I study nature, the more I stand
amazed at the work of the Creator.
Louis Pasteur, French chemist
We have a couple of Doves. I mean a Dove couple in the backyard. Soon there will be baby Doves. They are called squab or squeakers. I love that! Hey there little squeakers!
If you look close you can see Mom and Pop (bottom) and Mama Dove butt (top), keeping the nest warm. The dark spot is the tip of her tail feather. These are American Mourning Doves, or Rain Doves. I think they are mourning because there is no rain.
They are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The act allows states to conduct managed hunts. Both the male and female incubate and care for the young. They are monogamous and can fly up to 88 mph.

New Neighbors.
So glad to have you follow my #100DaysOfMingus! Say hello, and let me know which Mingus you like best so far!
My good friend and mentor Sea Dean has honored me with a featurette on her blog today. She has also started a Pinterest board called, “Inspired By Mingus”. I hope you will take a few minutes to check them out. Sea has many inspiring boards!
I have added a #100DaysOfMingus gallery page, for easy viewing as project progresses.
See you soon!