So glad you joined me for the 2016 Liberate Your Art Blog! Just look at the beautiful cards I received this year. So many fabulous artists and photographers! And look what arrived just today!

L.Y.A. Side swaps #19, #20. Juana Almaguer, Darlene Cunnup.
I surprised Juana Almaguer with a side swap, we swapped last year and her address was on my list. She was kind enough to send me one in return. Her’s is on the left. It felt familiar from the start. (She uses it as part of her blog header.) Juana told me that this is the first postcard she sent out when she joined L.Y.A. years ago. I love the bold graphics in contrast with the soft, watery, earthy colors! Very soulful.
Darlene Cunnup’s blurry photo of a handmade doll is so endearing. Takes me back to childhood. Days spent playing outdoors, the smell of fresh-cut grass, and tiny treasures found along the way.
Thanks Ladies for sharing these beautiful works with me! There are still one or two on the way. I will update this post when they arrive.
A look at the cards I mailed out this year.
My five official swap postcards.
And here is our host, Kat Sloma‘s 2016 Postcard. I love her work! She has a thing for trees and leaves, just like I do. Can you believe she uses her iPhone to create?

Kat Sloma Liberate Your Art 2016
It is always fun to see Kat’s stats for the swap.
1050 pieces of art liberated
175 artists participating
12 countries represented
Two of those countries were new to the swap, and I received a card from one of them – Carol in Israel! Kat created a stellar video with art from the participants, be sure to check it out!
I lost count of how many I sent out this year. Roughly 37, with six of those sent overseas. So far I have received 20 side swaps and the six official cards.
Liberated Artists
I have posted about each artist as the cards arrived. But for those of you visiting for the first time on the hop, the links below will introduce you to each one.
Last Days to Liberate
First cards Arrive
Card #3
Magenta Mail Art
Side Swap And a Postcard Template
Side Swap Surge
Postcard #4
Side Swap #9
Number Five Has Arrived
Side Swap #10
LYA Loot
Postcard Profusion
A Postcard And A Doodle
Last year I got the idea to start an album for the postcards. This year, I received two of the same card from Michele Matucheski. One was an official swap card, and one was a side swap. Naturally I used them for my front and back covers. (It was the first card I received) These small albums are at the dollar store, and fit postcards perfectly.

My L.Y.A. Collection 2016
My Liberated Art History
This is the sixth year I have participated. That is even before I started blogging. Click on the links in the sidebar (scroll down) to see my art, and the videos from the past blog hops. Needless to say, Kat has been a major influence in getting my art out into the world!
Here is a peek at the collage Kat created the first year, 2011. Those are my trees. I had my cards printed that year and shared them with friends and family. That was a big step for me!
See the full collage at Kat’s site. I could not find those particular trees to show you, but I did find some that were painted at the same time. They are pretty terrible, but I am fond of them because of what they stand for. A brave new step!

Trees. 5 x 7 watercolor. Sheila Delgado
Thank you Kat, and the volunteers, for making this swap possible!
My heartfelt thanks to the talented artists who shared their art with me,
and with the world! Hope to see you in 2017!
Click on a link below to visit with other L.Y.A. Artists!