New items in my Society6 shop.
ends March 6 at midnight pt
Mail Art arriving daily!
Morning fog at Mingus. SMD 2017
Both of these photos are from Monday. Good day. Inspirational views.
Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset,
Swiftly flow the days,
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers,
Blossoming even as they gaze…
Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset!
Swiftly fly the years,
One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears…
Fiddler on the Roof
Mingus is blushing. SMD 2017
Cloudscape bookmark. SMD 2017
Postcards. SMD 2017
Recently worked on postcards for friends. Sending my brand of sunshine, and prayers for quick and pain-free recovery. Made mini bookmarks too. With a positive affirmation. A little prayer my Mom has always said. I don’t know where it comes from to be honest.
I am surrounded by the white light of love & protection,
and the blue light of health & healing.
I painted them on my new/old paint boards that my friend Mark cut for me. I saved the back of my Arches watercolor block. It was a large one, so he was able to get four 6 x 6 and three 4 x 4 pieces. Thank you Mark!
Recycled paint boards.
I have to credit Sandy Sandy with the idea. One of the cool tips she gave us in her FUNdamentals of Alcohol Ink E-Course. Thank you Sandy! I always save the back of pads of paper, so much you can use them for. But the Arches is so thick, I wasn’t able to cut it myself.
I will finish sanding the edges to smooth them. Mostly because I am a neat freak, but also to prevent paper cuts. My collection of paint boards now includes a 12 x 12 balsa wood, a 10 x 10 balsa wood, and these. And I recycled to boot! Wooo Whooo!
I thought about laminating one side of the board. I would be able to wipe off any spillage. But I think having the absorbent paper will work better.
Hope your Valentines day was memorable! Want a unique idea for next year? The town I grew up in has a long-standing tradition, Loveland Colorado. Their Valentine re-mailing program makes for a fun surprise.
heArt Exchange November 2016, Postcards received from Carolyn Hanson, Christine Brooks, and Jacki Wright.
These are the wonderful postcards I received in the heART Exchange Global Postcard Art Swap. “Peace” was the theme of this swap.
Christine Brooks Sent the card on top. A wonderful nature collage. On the back, this wonderful message:
Beautiful! I have been blessed by receiving several cards from Christine since we relocated. She is right up the road in Flagstaff AZ.
The second gorgeous card is from Carolyn Hanson in Ohio. It is a collage with scrap papers, gesso and wonderful soft hues. On the front, ” I held out my hand to her”. On the back:
The last card is lovely in its simplicity. From Jacki Wright in New Brighton, Wirral, United Kingdom. Delicate flowers and a reminder that we are all in control of our peace of mind. On the back:
So thankful for these handmade, beautiful, thoughtful postcards! Couldn’t help but share these warm thoughts with you.
Louise Gale hosts several of these swaps each year. Take a look at her site, and consider participating in one. Or all! Thank you Louise for hosting this fabulous swap! And for the message that “your heART makes a difference”!
As a small token of my gratefulness, I am sending bookmarks to these talented women. Your art made my day!
Oh Joy! The postcard from Christine was an “extra”. I was surprised when I received this wonderful card from Ann. It looks like a fine oil painting, and included a very sweet message. Thank you Ann! I love the warm colors. I will be sending you a bookmark as well so keep your eyes on the mail!
From Ann Marchant