So Thankful. Mixed media on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
The global postcard ‘heART exchange” is on again. I am late to the party, but I made the deadline. Whew! Even managed to make bookmarks from the scraps! Louise Gale hosts, she is amazing! One of my art Super Heroes! I have taken part before, and maybe you have too. If not, check it out! There are several swaps each year.
Very simple. Create three postcards, and get three in return. I created these with stamps, texture sheets, a nail head, a stylus, and a palette knife.
I was under the gun, trying to beat the postwoman. Save myself a trip into town. In my haste I made about 10 mistakes. Addressed the envelope upside down, then forgot to take photos, and had to cut one open with a xacto. Ha ha! The recipients will have a good laugh. And now I am hoping that I did not switch two of the cards, while I put them into the envelopes! Fingers crossed!
Can you see where I had to squeeze forgotten letters in? LOL In my defense, I was also receiving important news at the time, so a bit distracted. Yes, I can spell thankful. LOL

Happy Messy Desk
Well, I did not want to share earlier, and no worries. All is well. Or will be soon. Our Thanksgiving was a bust. But we will all be together in celebration next weekend.
My folks both came down with the flu. They have not been this ill since 1993. Just heard from the doctors that Pete has pneumonia, and they will be keeping him in the hospital for three days. Scary, but glad to know he is in good hands. They have him on oxygen as his levels were low. He is also diabetic, so we have to be extra careful.
Mom is heading home with antibiotics for treatment. They are both at the tail end of the flu, thank goodness. Contracted from neighbors at Bible study.
I won’t be visiting him in the hospital. I have meant to post about this, but the holidays did not seem the right time.
Good news is, I have FINALLY found a doctor that knows what is causing my chronic cough.
The gerd is one aspect, and the acids from my stomach may have damaged my lungs some, still waiting on test results. I found paperwork from previous visits in So. Cal., stating that my esophagus is ‘dilated distally’. I showed him the finding, and now we can do something about that too. The doctors never mentioned that to me before, we just moved on to scheduling for the next visit.
And I have asthma. Hallelujah, a definitive diagnosis! And my lungs are down to 25%. Not good, not good at all. But he is confident he can turn things around.
When I left the doctor’s office, I cried. Gave thanks to God over and over and over. Called a friend. Called my Mom. And cried some more. I have had these issues since 2007. The cough is what led me looking for an answer. And led to my Lupus diagnosis. A late December cold. Overworked and not sleeping enough. You know how it is. But three months later, I still had a cough.
I had honestly, just about given up.
So no hospital for me! I can’t afford to add to the list. But I am sorry, I won’t be able to keep Pete company. ( I know he won’t want me there. 😉 )
Prayers most welcome!
Late in posting this, and I shared it on IG. But you can get a closer look here. A slightly different view of Mingus.

Mingus Morning After. 2017 SMD
So yes dear friends, so much to be thankful for!
Thanks for you good thoughts and prayers!

Six more days of sales on the way!