We have had a terrific week of wintery weather. Yay! A little rain. A little snow. Wind. Mini hail pellets. The snow has been fast, and at times, furious. We had a squall that lasted all of 15 minutes. Then it was dry and calm, and only Mingus had visible snow. Hope you enjoy the views!
During the February 2021 30-day challenge, over 700 pieces of art were created in our group. This is our fourth Creative Gathering, and our third year together. We are down about 120 pieces from last year. Several artists were unable to participate. We missed you!
Shown in no particular order. As I received permission, I added to the post. Many of the artists involved have been doing a bi-annual painting challenge for over 8 years. I am thrilled that so many choose to keep the challenge alive!
I am so honored to be among this group of creatives. Your work is amazing! I applaud your learning and experimenting. Your fearlessness. Your desire for growth. Your generosity and graciousness with fellow group members.
Thank you all for granting permission to share your work here and on the group Pinterest board. It is a gorgeous gallery!
Congratulations to all of the amazing artists who took part. Grab a cuppa, sit back, and browse the stunning art that follows. Enjoy!
Well. So much for that. I usually try to end the painting challenge on a high note. Not looking good. I have been distracted and staying up much to late. I mean really late. 4 am late. I just can’t get out of the routine. LOL.
The painting above, is a disaster. Haha. 🙂 I tried to finish the color theme. Keep my group of 3’s going. But I tried six times… and finally just thought to lay the color down. But even THAT did not work. Haha. So there it is. #3, moving on.
I did this two days ago, and oddly enough. it sort of looks like our sky today. There is a fire to the north of us. Probably a controlled burn. Haven’t found a report on it yet. There is blue sky, and a swath of reddish-gray haze hanging over Mingus. It doesn’t even really show up in a photo. But it is there.
Smoke over Mingus 3-2-21, SMD.
I had purchased a pack of colored pens at, you guessed it, Dollar Tree. Found them and decided to play. did some silly sketches, and scribbled out a vase and some blooms. When I added watercolor, it really softened the marks. I went back over the blooms but left the vase alone.
Just a quick little sketch. After a long stressful day, it really calmed me to sit and watch color move.
Haha. I was looking for a quote on making bad art and ran across this site. Looks like fun. I will go through it more next month. When I am not quite so busy. I still need to catch up, 2 more pieces. Thought you might get a kick out of it.
The best reason to paint is that there is no reason to paint. Keith Haring
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Dr. Seuss