These first three photos were taken on the same night. The sky above was that amazing shade of cerulean. No touch-up required. When I zoomed in, the clouds below showed as white, so I did pull out the pinks in Photoshop. This one needs to be painted.
I was in town when I noticed the clouds turning pink. I pulled into a park area and waited for a good shot. If you look closely, you can see the last bit of sun on the top of the hills. I had to remove two light poles from the sky. I was in front of a ballpark.
I am finally finishing these two pieces. I started them, months ago I think. I collaged sheet music, colorful paper, leaf skeletons, and stamping. Then I lost my way, had NO idea where to go next. So they sat. Like that. Last night I outlined the shapes and concealed the background with a layer of thinned paint. I want some of the details to remain visible.
“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.” Steve Maraboli
“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” Alice Walker
Luck was on our side. Roads were clear, and my brother and his wife were able to spend Thanksgiving with us. The snow started early on Friday, and by noon, it was sunny and calm. Perfect weather for a snowball fight before they headed back to Phoenix. I watched it from inside the warm!
Neighbors Perfect Pines. SMD 2019
We had about 4 inches, Prescott had double that.
Saturday Snow. SMD 2019
These hills are almost back to green now. I love how the snow reveals hidden details. Mingus is still covered. The roads are dry, and the yard is half melted. It doesn’t last long, usually. My kind of snow!
Now for the Mo’
I am having a fabulous kick-off to December! I was featured in last week’s ALL ABOUT YOU. Janine Vangool’s weekly newsletter. It is always chock full of creative inspiration. Color me happy. Click on the link if you would like to sign up. She has open calls for submissions. Share YOUR art! Thank you, Janine, for all that you do to support artists!
All About You, 11 24 19.
Friday I opened an awesome surprise email. My good friend Chandra Lynn honored me with a feature on her blog, Pics And Posts. Along with my piece of art, she shared her own, and also one by my good friend Christine Brooks! Tres Amigas! Chandra’s posts are always heartwarming, inspirational and often gorgeous. I have learned so much from her and sometimes find myself in tears. The GOOD kind. Thank you, Chandra, for sharing your JOY!
Last week I took part in Louise Gale’s “heART Exchange“. I sent out three handmade postcards and will receive 3 in return. I was having so much fun, I made a couple of extras for friends.
I am so in love with these colors right now. I kept playing, and a have a handful in the works. Haha. I also spent a couple of days on a small tree. Just some creative late-night play. I am almost out of Green Gold. Haha.
I thought I missed it. The best shot. Turns out I didn’t. That is why the photos above are in reverse order. I pulled out the pink in Photoshop. On my phone, the sky almost looked white. I didn’t have to adjust it much, to see the pink as it was. Sort of eerie, like being on Mars. A pretty, human-friendly, oxygen-filled Mars.
I made the 30-Day Creative Gathering board on Pinterest public. My idea worked. Whew! I added the photos (sent to me by participants) to a page on my site. The page will not be published, but I can pin from there to the board. Take a look, September was a great month for art!
Only thing is, if you click those images on the board, they link to the page on my site. I didn’t think anyone would see it. Now I need to dress it up and credit each of you. On my list for tomorrow. I’d still like to include everyone who created during the challenge. I added the FB post about it to the announcements section if you are interested. If you would like to be represented on the board, you can message me your collage, and/or 1 to 2 works created during the challenge.
Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures. Lovelle Drachman
I have been playing with scraps and paint the last week or so. Usually right before bed. I’m painting lots of blah and yuck. But the process is… restorative. Today the weather was feeling sort of grey and sad. So of course, I felt like painting bright flowers.
Many prefer not to exercise their imaginations at all. They choose to remain comfortably within the boundsof their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are. J.K. Rowling