Day 15 Of The February 30-Day Creative Gathering

I had a major interruption mid-session. I started out thinking of florals in a Sandrine Pelissier style. What I ended up with was more Bob Burridge style. Or Katie Jeanne Wood.
I am really happy with everything BUT the flowers. LOL. The colors look dead to me. I wanted to be muted, but, not blah. Haha. I am considering going back in, and carving out loose, wonky, floral shapes.
We had snow last night, briefly. Wet snow and rain before that. It was damp at 1:30 am. Sometime later, we received snow on the mountains. Some is hanging around, but very little. It is going to be sunny for the next two weeks, and getting warmer.
Paper, matte medium, board. Paint, grass, stems, sky, flowers. Details, pen, puffy paint, watercolor crayon, more paint.
I was not planning for them to be hung side by side. I did not plan ahead. Haha. The grass and stems are crinkled paper, I added dry watercolor crayon to add interest there.
I went too dark with the teal, a new brand of paint for me. When it dried I sanded some of it off. The lettering was still hidden, so I used a pen to accent it. I decided to do the orange flowers as well, even though it was showing through a bit better. The white centers and some of the black dots are puffy paint.
I am calling them done for now. I need to move on. But they look too flat to me. I should add some texture or smudging to the sky. And a few leaves would help as well. There is a texture from previous layers, these are recycled boards. Thought about adding puffy swirls to the sky, haha. Not quite sure I could pull it off. Stressed big time over the teeny tiny birds. Hahaha. Open to suggestions. 🙂