Category Archives: Art Groups

Faux Mono – Day 19

Rhythm of the Falling Rain, Day 19, Mixed Media on 6 x 7 Watercolor Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Rhythm of the Falling Rain, Day 19, Mixed Media on 6 x 7 Watercolor Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Inspiration from a book shared with me by Natasha Papousek. And a video from Barb Mowry that landed in my box today. Wanting to try mono printing, but not having any of the “proper” supplies. I picked up my dollar store glass trivet and my Fiskers brayer, which I am sure is meant for something else. Cheap Master’s Touch 6 x 6 paper. Four puddles in a square ceramic dish. Ready.

I did five prints very quickly. Scanned to edit. While adjusting to get the colors true to life, these songs popped into my head. Thought to add sheet music. Hey now!

Thank you for the sheet music, Christiane! And thank you all for the inspiration!

With The Sound Of Music, Day 19 #2, Mixed Media on 6 x 7 Watercolor Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
With The Sound Of Music, Day 19 #2, Mixed Media on 6 x 7 Watercolor Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Months ago, saw an artist who watercolors on wet paper, taped to a glass trivet. I have seen this technique before, but the video reminded me. Searched and searched. For one 12 x 12. Amazon has a set of three. Didn’t want three, and not at that price. Searched some more.

Watched a crafters video, making decorative trivets on the cheap. Fabric and modge podge. And, Ta-Da, a Dollar Store glass trivet. Round and square. slightly smaller than 8 x 8. Woo Whoo!

I went to the largest Dollar Tree around, and noticed that they have expanded their craft offerings. Great! I found small rubber jars, meant to hold salad dressing, that I think might work with alcohol painting supplies. A short bulb I needed that was more expensive at Walmart. And a small cutting mat. WOW! For a buck?

Dollar Tree Haul
Dollar Tree Haul

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
Chinese proverb

Music is the color of sound.

Day 18 Of 30

Day 18, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 18, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

What draws us into the desert is the search
for something intimate in the remote.
Edward Abbey

Days 16 & 17 Of 30

Day 16, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 16, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 17, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 17, Mixed Media on 5 x 7 Canvas Board. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Everything that could go wrong, did. Haha. I worked all night trying to fix this and that. And just when I thought I was done. Another problem. I picked a white, that turned out to be a satin. Nope. Looked sticky. Sticky paint? Haha. Well, no worries. Decided white wasn’t right. OK. Time for bed.

Starting today, right after breakfast no less! (First for the month.) I mixed a buff and sand color for the background. Yes, that will work. Changed the terra cotta pots to a desert rose. Added a glaze to the leaves. This helped to tone down the mess of a yellow paint pen that I had used to outline the forms. DIdn’t realize that was glossy paint.

I left the yellow on the snake plant, top. Felt it worked as the golden stripes some of the leaves have. Added a subtle pattern. Bubble wrap. Too subtle. May go back in and bring it out just a bit more. But that means repainting the entire background and then applying the pattern.

Had added texture and scratch marks, hoping to add the aged effect I had in the Blue vase pieces. There is a dark blue base and I tried sanding some top layer away to reveal it. Just didn’t work. I revealed the white gesso instead. Haha.

Happy enough with them now. That Kiwi green is a little too neon. But it keeps them from being too muted. The board lent itself to a postcard layout. So I thought I would create something clean and graphic, for just that.

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me here, and to let me know you stopped by. Happy creating to you!

You don’t drown by falling in the water.
You drown by staying there.
Robert G. Allen

Intelligence is not to make no mistakes,
but quickly to see how to make them good.
Bertolt Brecht

What we call experience is
often a dreadful list of ghastly mistakes.
J. Chalmers da Costa