Category Archives: Art Groups

Days 27 & 28 of 30

Day 27, 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 27, 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Well. So much for that. I usually try to end the painting challenge on a high note. Not looking good. I have been distracted and staying up much to late. I mean really late. 4 am late. I just can’t get out of the routine. LOL.

The painting above, is a disaster. Haha. 🙂 I tried to finish the color theme. Keep my group of 3’s going. But I tried six times… and finally just thought to lay the color down. But even THAT did not work. Haha. So there it is. #3, moving on.

I did this two days ago, and oddly enough. it sort of looks like our sky today. There is a fire to the north of us. Probably a controlled burn. Haven’t found a report on it yet. There is blue sky, and a swath of reddish-gray haze hanging over Mingus. It doesn’t even really show up in a photo. But it is there.

Smoke over Mingus 3-2-21, SMD.
Smoke over Mingus 3-2-21, SMD.

I had purchased a pack of colored pens at, you guessed it, Dollar Tree. Found them and decided to play. did some silly sketches, and scribbled out a vase and some blooms. When I added watercolor, it really softened the marks. I went back over the blooms but left the vase alone.

Just a quick little sketch. After a long stressful day, it really calmed me to sit and watch color move.

Day 27, 5 x 7 Watercolor and pen on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 27, 5 x 7 Watercolor and pen on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Haha. I was looking for a quote on making bad art and ran across this site. Looks like fun. I will go through it more next month. When I am not quite so busy. I still need to catch up, 2 more pieces. Thought you might get a kick out of it.

The best reason to paint
is that there is no reason to paint.
Keith Haring

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.
Dr. Seuss

Days 25 & 26 Of February’s 30

Day 25, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 25, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

The moon was rising over Mingus while I worked. I think somehow it found its way to the paper. That was not a conscious decision. I just felt it needed some brightness.

While editing, I thought to tone down the Tawny. The pink. Does it look pink to you too? Tawny is listed as a light brown to brownish-orange color. This is the mid-value of the color. You may not notice a difference. But I’d be curious to know which you prefer.

Day 25, altered, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 25, altered, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

I am not sure this next one is finished. It needs something. I will continue with it. Suggestions are always welcome.

Day 26, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 26, Acrylic on paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Beautiful end to the day!

Peeking Over Mingus. SMD 2021
Peeking Over Mingus. SMD 2021
Mingus Moon High. SMD 2021
Mingus Moon High. SMD 2021
Mingus Moon Rising. SMD 2021
Mingus Moon Rising. SMD 2021

Day 24 February 2021 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 24, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 24, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Just a few more days now. Time passes so quickly, but the challenge month seems like a blink of the eye. Speaking of eyes, next month I am having cataract surgeries. “Yay”, she says, with an OMG look on her face.

I knew I have floaters. Annoying. The doctor is not worried about those though. He did not see cataracts in my first visit. Six weeks later they were there. He was astounded. He could not believe his notes had no mention. And I told him that he did not say anything about them. He said it rarely happens, that they develop so quickly. I reminded him I have Lupus, and he did say that could be a factor.

I have pre-op on the 3rd and surgery on the 8th and 15th. I will likely be digitally silent for most of the month. Bright light and all. Their website mentions that color vision may be improved. Hmm. “Interesting”, she says, eyebrow raised.

I have to be honest and say, I am mildly freaking out at the thought of someone slicing my eye open. While I am awake. Everyone I have talked to says it is a breeze. I will be thrilled to have them both behind me.

Day 24, green, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Day 24, green, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

I used a digital repeat pattern on the vase. For Nelvia: The lines were black but I removed most of that color and altered it with selective color. Just as printers do, you can get thousands of variations by adding more or less cyan, magenta, and yellow.

Which vase do you like best?

Day 24, clay, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Day 24, clay, 8 x 8 Mixed Media. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.