Category Archives: Art Exchange

Sapphire Seafront And A L.Y.A. Side Swap Surge


Sapphire Seafront. Project 3, Artbytes One. 2016 Sheila Delgado.

Sapphire Seafront. Gesso and acrylics on paper. 2016 Sheila Delgado

I am working through the lessons in Pauline Agnew’s Artbytes One. I skipped Project Two as it calls for creating a triptych, and I need to pick up canvas for that. Project three calls for creating a textured landscape.  I scored high, I think, on creating texture. But low on creating a pleasing and painterly piece. Still, I am happy with it. It’s growing on me.

I practiced each technique. Started with gesso again and layers of warm color, that should still be slightly visible, but are not. They would have added depth and character. Is there a sense of weather? Storm on the way, or just retreating?

The assignment was not to create a fabulous piece. But I would like to make this better, just for the experience. If I can. Any suggestions are welcome.



L.Y.A. Side swaps 6, 7, 8. Sea Dean, Cheryl Goyer, and Jacques Williamos.

L.Y.A. Side swaps 6, 7, 8. Sea Dean, Cheryl Goyer, and Jacques Williamos.

Cheryl Goyer is a fiber artist, just look at the fabulous fiber becoming yarn. Hand dyed silk. Gorgeous colors, I just want to reach out and feel that bundle. Cheryl teaches spinning at the Antique Gas & steam Engine Museum in Vista CA., and Rigid Heddle Weaving at Common Threads in Encinitas. I confess, I had to look that up. Visit her site to see her gorgeous work! You can also find her on Instagram – clgoyer, and Tumbler – cgoyer. Cosmic connection… I have a good friend who lives across the street from the museum.

The gorgeous cat is from Jacques Williamos and came to me from Radstock in the UK. She is on Facebook , visit her page to see more of her art. Some done with her nondominate hand, amazing! Jacques included this wonderful quote on her card:

“Slow down and enjoy life.
It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast –
you also miss the sense of where you are going and why”
Eddie Cantor

Best wishes to you as well Jacques, and be sure to sign up for Kat’s newsletter to be in the loop for next years swap. I hope you are feeling better and healing swiftly!

Sea Dean is an artist who can paint just about everything. Her card is a collection of pet portraits. Most for commissions. I love them all, especially the blue cat at the bottom.  (I think prints are an awesome idea Sea!) Sea lives in Kelowna, BC, Canada. 1410 miles directly north of Wildomar. Big Hug to you Sea.

OOPS! Swap #3

Remember this gorgeous tree postcard from a few days ago? Michele accidentally sent me a second one. And it makes me laugh, because that is something I would do. How ’bout you? Brain fart or senior moment, we all can relate.  I received a second one as part of the regular swap! MY third to arrive. And I was so busy reading the quote and personal message, that I flat out did not see that it had one of my printed address labels on it. Glasses on and I still was completely blind! LOL. When I read Michele’s comment, I cracked up! SEE! I told you I would do something like that and I WAS DOING IT! Ha ha ha ha

I will be using these cards for the front and back covers of my album. Thanks for that Michele! (Your card was the first one I received). The back of this card is different though, with this quote:

One of the greatest necessities in America, is to discover creative solitude.
Carl Sandburg

L.Y.A. 2016 Side swaps #1 and #2. Sarah Calhoun, "Mermaid". Michele Matucheski, "Hope in Winter.

L.Y.A. 2016 Side swaps #1 and #2. Sarah Calhoun, “Mermaid”. Michele Matucheski, “Hope in Winter.

Cosmic connection here:

Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 – July 22, 1967) was an American poet, writer, and editor who won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln.

My favorite President as a child was Lincoln. I read book after book on him. My birthday is January 5th, and I was born the year Carl died. Silly I know… but there are connections everywhere.

Thank you Cheryl, Sea, Jacques and Michele! Such a lovely surprise to receive four beautiful postcards on the same day!




L.Y.A. Side Swap And A Template


LYA Side Swap #5, Steamboat Springs CO, Sonya Versluys

LYA Side Swap #5, Steamboat Springs CO, Sonya Versluys


This beautiful card from Sonya Versluys came just as Denver is dealing with a blizzard. I have family in that area, and lived in Denver before moving to San Diego. I grew up in Loveland, Co., and I have visited lovely Steamboat Springs. Connections are always part of what is interesting about the postcard swap. Sonya included this inspirational verse:

Your creative voice is stronger, louder,
and more powerful than any other.
Use it!

I think I need to post that above my desk for a daily reminder. You can find Sonya at and on Instagram. Visit her gorgeous blog to see more of her beautiful photos! Take a look at her 365 Days of Joy video!

How I Make My Postcards

Several of you have asked how I make my postcards. I shared a samples a few weeks ago. Now I have a PDF with step by step instructions for you. Feel free to print it, and to share it. If you get lost along the way, just email me, and I will gladly help! It is so much easier to order printed cards. I enjoy making the cards, handmade feels like I am giving a gift.

Duck, Duck, Swim

The ducks are still daily visitors. They have been napping mostly. Caught them as they were jumping in the pool. Time too cool off!

Ducks in the pool, 3.25.16,

A drink…

Ducks in the pool, 3.25.16,

…and a dip in the pool.

Enjoy your day!




Tackling Texture And Magenta Mail Art



Texture Boards, 2016


Working through Pauline Agnew’s Artbyte One. First lesson, texture. Pauline prompts us with multiple tools, and encourages experimentation. My boards are larger than she suggested, they were scraps I had on my desk.

1) I used torn paper to build up layers. I painted over some of the layers, and continued adding more with matte medium.
2) Beginning to build layers of color.
3) Pauline suggests using joint filler, which looks really fun. Not having any, I used some gloopy (old) gesso and built layers of that. There was a thick blob that made me think of a sun, even though this was meant as an exercise and not concerned with composition.
4) Building layers of color. Adding and then removing, adding more again.
5) Using an old ATM card to spread paint. The translucent blue settled in the hollows, revealing the texture of the paper, very nice!
6) Layers of wash acrylics.
7) Layers of thick impasto.
8) Continuation of impasto.

I can see all of these boards becoming finished works. Ideas are forming. Now it is on to Lesson two!


Mail Art

Received these two beauties today. The first is from Lisa Comperry in Texas. The card reads “LOVE”. This lovely poem was included on the back:

One day is spun in gold
another day seems red hot or icy cold.
Passing storms clear the air
and change the tide.
Each day a new sun.

Lisa Powell Comperry

LYA #2 and side swap #4. Lisa Comperry, "LOVE". Mary Underwood.

LYA #2 and side swap #4. Lisa Comperry, “LOVE”. Mary Underwood.

Mary Underwood from Michigan included this encouraging reminder on the back of her beautiful card.

Be Happy
Be Bright
Be You

Visit the links, their photography is awesome! I am so glad these artists included their address on the card! There is a wonderful video on Lisa’s blog about rescued baby animals as well as her wonderful sunsets. Mary has wonderful sunflowers on her page, and her abstract daisy is gorgeous.

Thank you both so much for sharing your gorgeous art with me! Love flowers!


