Category Archives: Art Exchange

Postcard Profusion


L.Y.A. Side swaps. Carol Edan, Natasha M. Papousek, Terry Owenby, Lynn Radford.

L.Y.A. Side swaps. Carol Edan, Natasha M. Papousek, Terry Owenby, Lynn Radford.


It’s raining postcards! Seems right. It just now started raining big ol’ fat rain, as Forrest would say. The sun is shining in the distance, so I know it won’t last long.

Stopping to enjoy. Some thunder too.

I was all set to show these off in the colorful blooms outside, but nature nixed that idea. Instead I placed them on a  pillow I ordered from Zazzle, I think you might recognize it.

The colorful card on top is from Terry Owenby in Portland Oregon. She created this work of art with a Gelli Plate print and collage. Gorgeous isn’t it?  I love the vivid colors and simplified shapes. Just so fun! On the back she included this:

Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul
and you answer.
Terri Guillemets

The lovely lavender card is a gift from Carol Edan and traveled all the way from Israel. I love the abstract landscape. The depth, the mood, just wonderful! It is an oil she painted during the January Leslie Seata painting challenge. Visit Carol’s site to see more of her amazing work. This is another favorite.

On the bottom, a colorful card from Lynn Radford. I know I am not the only one who gets excited at the sight of a colorful bunch of pencils! The quote on the front:

The soul becomes dyed with the color of it’s thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius

The back of Lynn’s card is just as colorful. Lynn I envy your tidy penmanship! I am going to have to try extra hard to make mine legible for you!  Visit Lynn’s site and check out her “environmentally conscious journey”. Lynn kept her address a secret, which is a great idea. Her swap will go on even longer! Lynn your card will go out today!

The musical card, is from a friend who is close by. Natasha Monahan Papousek lives in San Diego just south of me. We have swapped before, and I always look forward to her cards.

Natasha plays the ukulele. On her recent trip to Hawaii, she learned the phrase “My dog has fleas”  is used to remember the tuning of her instrument. Definitely memorable don’t you think? This card brings back memories of my trip to Hawaii – JOY!

Natasha’s envelope was just as wonderful as her card, take a look, and you will get a closer look at the cute fleas dancing on her postcard. If you keep scrolling, you can catch a glimpse of Natasha and her awesome work, at the RAW event that was held in January.

Thank you Carol, Natasha, Terry and Lynn! I was so delighted to receive your Beautiful art in my mailbox! Color me happy!

I have lost count, not sure if I have any more side swaps on the way. But I have five more slots in my album, so I’m hoping. I have a few extra cards if anyone is interested. Leave a comment with your address, I won’t post the address. (Open to non swappers too.)

Have a JOYFUL day everyone!







L.Y.A. Loot


LYA #6, Kat Sloma, "Wings" - Janice Darby, "Aprons" - Julie Welsh, Gondolas - Louise Mamet.

LYA #6 –  Kat Sloma, “Wings” – Janice Darby, “Aprons” – Julie Welsh, Gondolas – Louise Mamet.


Home from dog sitting, and I found these waiting for me. In the center is Kat Sloma’s Card. That signals the end of the Liberate Your Art postcard swap. Keeping it a secret for now per our host. So that all participants can enjoy the surprise.

The lovely lady on the right is a gift from Janice Darby, in Santa Maria California. It says, “Until you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you can fly.” Such a sweet and delicate composition. I love her big green eyes! Take a peek at Janice’s site to see all the wonderful cards she created this year.

On the bottom, a card from Julie Welsh in Michigan. First created for a postcard swap with themes and hers was “collective nouns”. The damage on the corner hides the title. “An army of aprons”. A little glue and that corner will be good as new.  Julie tells me that the background she created with a baby wipe that she had used for paint clean up. How clever is that! The women are from old sewing patterns. I love the nod to days gone by. Julie has tons of mail art goodness at her site, Just tickety-Boo.

The gondolas are a second side swap from Louise Mamet- Berthereau in France. Louise sent this one in an envelope, and I am so glad she did. Her work is museum worthy.  In the distance I can see people walking, and the close up details are crystal clear. Do you see the Gondolier on the left? To get a better look, visit her at Drops Of Everything. Treat yourself to a virtual trip to Venice!

There are still more side swaps on the way. I think I can expect at least five. Next week is the Liberate Your Art Blog Hop. Kat will treat us to her annual video with this years swapped art. Not to be missed!

Have a great weekend everybody!





L.Y.A. Side Swap #10


L.Y.A. 2016 Side swap #10. Waterlily by Sharon H. Lane,

L.Y.A. 2016 Side swap #10. Waterlily by Sharon H. Lane,

Sharon took this photo of her new pond. What an inspiration! Visit Sharon at her Twistylane. She describes herself as, among other things, a pathological picture taker. Love that.

I love this card, because it made me remember my Aunt Gloria, and her pond. I even remember when she built it. While she was distracted in one corner of the yard  my cousins and I were in the other stealing rhubarb meant for pie or jam.

We always teased her. Camping trips, even day trips to the mountains were an excuse for her to collect rocks for the pond. As a kid I didn’t think much about a bunch of ugly rocks. As an adult, I have taken on the same habit. Collecting stones or twigs or sand from my travels.

Thank you Sharon, for sharing your art with me. And for reviving childhood memories of cousins and camping in the glorious Colorado Rockies!