The Group Gallery, September 2024 30-Day Creative Gathering

We were a small bunch this round. Small but mighty! Many artists were unable to take part, but they did let me know, they hope to attend the next session. This concludes our 6th year of gathering together in the name of art and kinship.

457 pieces of art were created during the gathering. Woo Who! Our September total in 2022 was 713 pieces. One of the highest event totals we have had. More often, we produce between 600-700 pieces during the challenge. 

Congratulations to everyone! You made time for yourself, time for your art. And if you only managed a few days, that still shows a strong determination. High five! Compliments as well, for supporting each other, encouraging & celebrating our individual strengths. Bravo!

The Gathering would be nothing,
without your talent and enthusiasm!

Grab a snack, and plop yourself down in a comfortable chair.
Here is the gallery for September 2024!
Roughly 3 minutes & will loop at the end.


I hope you enjoyed the gallery.
Happy fall y’all!

10 thoughts on “The Group Gallery, September 2024 30-Day Creative Gathering

  1. Chandra Lynn

    So much loveliness! Thank you for all the work you continue to do in coordinating. I’m so sad I missed this time, but planning to have a better handle on life in February. And duh! I could have joined with my poetry, I guess… Next time… Hugs, Sheila-girl!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Big DUH! 😆 YES! Poetry is definitely art!
      But I know you are burning the candle at both ends, and in the middle!
      So glad you enjoyed the video, Chandra. Can’t wait to see you in February.

  2. laurelle

    What a beautiful tribute to the creative work of this community this month. You are truly a treasure, Sheila, in everything you do. Thank you for inviting me to be part of this group. 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it Laurelle! It is important to me to showcase each artist, and the work the accomplished during the challenge.
      Thanks to you, Laurelle, for participating! And thank you for your kind words.
      See you in February, my friend! 🥰🙏

  3. Val van der Poel

    What a lovely video you put together and the light music was perfect for it as well. We may not have had as many of our members participating but it was great to see such a wonderful variety of media, styles and subjects. Thank you so much for all the work you do on the Creative Gathering, the blog , the video and the pinterest page – where do you find the time??

    1. Sheila Post author

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Val. 🙂 Music is hard, finding something that does not annoy you. LOL 🙂
      You are so right. I think everyone really excelled. Fun themes, interesting subjects. And yes, so much variety!
      Amazing work!
      Honestly, lots of long nights. But I enjoy them! 🥰🙏

  4. Christine G Brooks

    Wow. Great job Sheila. Thank you. You are such an inspiration and so creative. Thank you for all your hard work and support. Great slide show. Thanks everyone.
    See you in February. Christine Brooks

    1. Sheila Post author

      So glad you enjoyed it , Christine!
      Thanks so much for being so active and encouraging in the group!
      See you then! 🥰🙏


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