30-Day Creative Gathering Group Gallery February 2024

Grab a cup, and enjoy the gallery!

I love to share a glimpse at the fabulous works created by our group. There are two pieces from each artist. You will also see a collage of all the work they created during the month. I usually do not include myself in the group gallery, but as it is only a video that will be posted to our group Pinterest board, I added myself at the end. It will repeat, if you miss some. There were 659 pieces of artwork created in the group

These are low resolution images, so there may be some slight pixelation or blur. But that serves to protect the works from being copied. There are several artists who participated, but were not able to get their artwork to me in time.

You did it.
With style, grace, & generosity to others.

I’m so grateful to share this time with you!

Wishing you JOY & fearless creating!

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8 thoughts on “30-Day Creative Gathering Group Gallery February 2024

  1. Dotty Seiter

    Sheila et al, what a magnificent creative gathering! What a magnificent way to begin my day, with this gallery of creativity brought right to my door, so to speak. Thank you!

    Sheila, will you be showcasing your individual pieces here at your blog?

    xo Dotty

    1. Sheila Post author

      I will Dotty. I’m so behind, I need to do a catch up!
      So glad you enjoyed the gallery!

  2. Val van der Poel

    Wow – it is so different seeing the art this way. Thank you so much Sheila for the work you put into the Creative Gathering and you constant encouragement. I really have to go back and check the albums again as I am sure I missed some of the photos.

    1. Sheila Post author

      The really shine, don’t they, Val?!
      I always feel that way when I am putting this together.
      Thank you, Val! For being one of our founding members! xoxo


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