I am cringing while I post this. I have painted three horrible ATC’s. and one awful 8 x 10. And this yucky 5 x 7. Hahaha. I have two fairly cool 4 x 4 continuations. But I thought I posted enough of those. Might be putting you all to sleep. Hahaha. So I am saving those as back up. For days when All else fails.
I hated this last night when I was editing it for posting. I made some changes in Photoshop, using the smudge tool to soften some of the “messiness” in the field. I didn’t like that either, so I decided to post it as is.
It’s been a long time since I have worked on Yupo. This is on Legion Yupo Medium. First time I have tried it and I really like working with it. It is a good weight, and the great thing about Yupo is that it can handle a lot of water, and does not curl up. I did’t tape this down, and it remained flat.
For those of you new to my blog, Yupo is a recyclable, waterproof, tree-free Synthetic Paper. It feels like plastic. It allows for really wonderful effects with watercolors. Welcome, btw. So glad to have you following my artistic journey.
The tree on the left was a mistake. But I liked how it formed, and went with it, adding more on the right. I am not sure the distance is convincing. I think the field is much to busy and should be simplified towards the top of the hill. But I have to say. I like it a whole lot better this morning. Hahaha. And the great thing is, I can go back in and make changes. Erase the mistakes so to speak. Any suggestions? Haha
I liked it immediately…I thought, “oooh pretty.” I thought it was intentional. Then, I read your post.
The smudges–just imagine that you worked this just after a rain that left things all muddy and wet.
There you go Chandra!
Haha, love that! xoxo
Theres nothing a big tree in the foreground wont fix. Learned that from Bob Ross.
Haha! Right?! I saw some of his show at my Aunts and Uncles. My Uncle loves watching him, and he is not an artist.
Hmm, I may have to give that a go Sea. ;o)
It certainly makes one think; what is over the hill? With Yupo change is so possible!
Ha ha, thanks Val. Great to know.
Yup, I love that about Yupo. You can just wipe it off and start over. Haha.
Happy ATC’ing Val!
I like the fluidiness of this, it let’s your mind wander. Great quote to go with it. Cheers
Awesome Christine
So nice to hear. Happy creating my friend.