
4 x 4, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
4 x 4, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

WOWzers this month is flying by. Two days finishing the challenge. Four working on the group Pinterest board. Five days of cleaning my digital files. Three days on a deep “Spring” studio cleaning. Hmm. Still a few days I can’t account for. I must have spent them working on the files. And I probably have another five days of work there. Still, they were not as disheveled as I imagined.

Meanwhile. I want to paint! So I reached for my scrap stack and my watercolors. I used the last of the colors on my palette. It’s not much. A little 4 x 4. Calling it play. It served the purpose. Relaxation. Meditation. Fun.

When I saw the scan, I decided it needed some warmth. I found an old painting, digitally cropped a flower and pasted it onto this. I added some color to the center, it was white before.

I am working on a larger piece. The rooster I didn’t get to last month. Or the month before that. Yeah, yeah. Big time procrastination. I have never painted a rooster. Don’t know how. But thanks to Youtube, I am learning.

Wishing you good health, peace, and JOY!

Let kindness lead the way.

You can accomplish by kindness
what you cannot by force.
Publilius Syrus

There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
Scott Adams

Politeness is the flower of humanity.
Joseph Joubert

6 thoughts on “Leftovers

  1. Val van der Poel

    This is a sweet piece Sheila and the flower is a nice pop. It is always good to have some playtime in our studios – no pressure, just fun.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Very true Val. 🙂 I have a palette with some gouache on it, from last month. I have been using that just for fun. It really goes a long way! I’ll be playing with that today. 😉
      Happy creating, playing, quilling! God Bless 🙂

  2. dotty seiter

    1. oooooo. I really like the new backdrop on your webpage, those soft textured blues.

    2. Your 4×4″ leftovers play is just the ticket for starting this Tuesday morning. Softnesses, soothing washes of blues and greens, pinpricks of white, a pop of yellow, and the juxtaposition of stillness and gentle movement.

    thank you, Sheila!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank YOU Dotty 🙂 So glad you enjoyed it, glad you like the new background too. I might be trying some new ones out, but I do like this.
      Happy studio refurbishing, and creating! God Bless and keep you safe 🙂

  3. laurelle

    Lovely to see your paintng and post this morning. It feels like a window of “normal” in a world that has gone slightly crazy. I think I will do what you are doing with my extra time at home and clean up my digital files. I have thousands of photos that I’ve taken over the years and they could certainly do with some organization and a lot of deleting. I have not painted in almost a week except to add some cosmetic surgery to an old portrait, but today I’m feeling creative again. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum. Stay safe and inside, Sheila. Love your posts! They keep me going;) xoxoxoxxo

    1. Sheila Post author

      Aww, thanks for that Laurelle. 🙂 I haven’t started on my photos yet. That one will take me the longest. I have three main files, Personal, Business, and Photo Albums. Personal is done, WHEW! All of my medical documents took forever. LOL 🙂 Business is 1/2 finished. Photos should not be too bad, just sorting new additions. But I have never gone through all of my Mingus shots. I have folders, and subfolders, and more subfolders. LOL. 🙂 I delete as I go, but I know there are a bunch more I can get rid of.
      Have fun, my friend! It will be a great feeling to have it done! 🙂 Sending prayers your way, God Bless! xoxoxo


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