Mingus Day #61. 5 x 5.25 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Mingus Day #62. 5.25 x 5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Three more on the table. Each a third of the way done. I may do a second post later today.
Happy Mingus Hump Day!

Mingus Day #63. 5 x 11.5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Changing Light. SMD 2018
The light is changing, and so are the shapes I am seeing. The shadow on Mingus no longer a skinny pie slice. It almost covers the smaller “hump”. Illustrates just how far the two mounds are from each other. And the front range has a dip in it. Like a scoop has been taken off the right side. Cool and interesting. Mingus Mocha anyone?
#100DaysOfMingus Gallery
#63… What a winner. Love when drips really work!
Ha ha ha, just noticed I posted that with dirt on it. Good thing you took the time to look. I cleaned it, but forgot to post the new one. I love the sky in that one Carol
#63 is awesome! Wowwowowo! Love the composition, the fantastic looseness of the bottom half, the tighter mid ground, and then the very exciting sky. Dynamic painting!
LOL I love your description Laurelle
Hadn’t thought of it in those terms. Awesome to know you like it 
Sheila, I love your day 61. It is golden beauty against the darkness. Happy Mingus day to you! Your perseverance on and off your palettte is inspiring. Hugs to you, my lovely friend. I am cheering you on
Hugs right back Trang
I can feel you cheering my friend
And I am more grateful than I know how to say
I love the contrasts, when they happen 
That’s pretty cool that the angle of the sun to the land scape is going to change over the year and the (perceived) relationships will change too. I hadn’t considered that at all!
How changing the angle of the light can affect the shape of a hill… blows my mind Dave. Gotta love science and nature!