Snow On Christmas Eve. 5 x 5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado
Our first Christmas eve in Arizona was gorgeous! A day we won’t soon forget. It was my brother and his wife’s first Christmas together. And her first time seeing snow. Beautiful HUGE fluffy flakes. The flakes became larger the longer it snowed.
Sunset was heavenly. Take a look.

Mingus on Christmas Eve.
I completely missed the mark on what I was trying to do with this painting. Working wet on wet, to create soft flowing colors in the sky. My first washes did flow together nicely. I just went over board with the clouds.

Cloud Close Up
Even so, I really like the almost 3-D effect I accidentally created in the clouds. My apologies for the terrible photo. I couldn’t get the scan to show true. There is a bit of soft blue on the hills, and field. Not showing well here.
I framed this and gifted it to my bother and his wife. Merry first Christmas!
Only four days until Leslie’s January 30 Paintings In 30 Days painting challenge begins!
Now I see you get this lovely view all of the time. How inspiring.
That was a great day for the view! LOL
Sheila, SNOW ON CHRISTMAS EVE is stunning! I feel as though I’m looking out my very own window at the beauty and surprise of snow on ‘my’ mountains—you’ve made the Mingus range wonderfully familiar to me over the months.
The cloud closeup makes a beautiful painting its own right. Captivating!
I’ve signed up for Leslie’s January 30 in 30. Don’t know if or in what way I’ll participate other than knowing that for sure I’ll check in to see the gallery every day.
I think I have hit 20 paintings of them so far. In only a few months. So glad you enjoy seeing them too Dotty. So glad to hear you will take part. Remember you don’t have to do the full 30 🙂 Oh I can’t wait to see what comes of it. 🙂 Enjoy 🙂
What a nice gift for our brother and his wife – a super memory! Glad you enjoyed the snow – it is lovely to look at but a pain to have to shovel and for driving – oh well, we learn to live with it – lol.
We were lucky and the roads cleared up quickly. Turned to ice first, but That was on Christmas, and we weren’t going anywhere. Happy 2017 Val 🙂
Oh how utterly gorgeous!!!! I miss the snow , but not the cold!!! Love how the the texture of the paper shows through! What a delight!!!
I am the same Carol. Sonw is fine, but not the cold! LOL happy abstracting to you!