Paper Preparedness

I am a watercolor artist, but this is not about watercolor paper. Still, this paper is important to my creativity. It needs to be strong, durable and absorbent. Any guesses?

I am talking paper towels people.

I found these towels, I don’t know, about two years ago. Then I ran out and when I went to buy more… I could not remember which brand I had purchased.  Yes I am forgetful. Yes I am getting older. But that is not why I forgot. I forgot because it took me SO LONG to use them all.

I know, this is not a life shattering cure for the common cold. But I was ECSTATIC when I finally found the paper towel I was looking for.

OK, so enough teasing Sheila, tell us already. My perfect paper towel, is the Walmart store brand. I had tried a cheaper generic brand, but I was replacing the paper each time I worked, and often several times in the same session. These towels are thick, and really last, sometimes for weeks. I can fold them over, and use a clean side, and, fold and repeat!

Watercolor work set up

I take them off the roll, and fold them in half, three times. This is the perfect size for my desk. I also place an old wash cloth under the paper towel. I use my desk for the computer as well, but I keep my tools at the ready.

Paper towels are not just for cleaning up arty messes, check out my Google+ friend Val’s post. Awesome ideas for creating! Paper Towels and Other Things.




8 thoughts on “Paper Preparedness

  1. shadowlilies

    Thanks, Sheila. That’s good to know. I’m usually grabbing whatever is closest to me…paper towels, or napkins, or even Kleenex. I need to be more organized and use something that works well. Thanks.:)

    1. Sheila Post author

      I some times reach for kleenex too. ha ha But more for dabbing what I am working on. Have a good one Karin 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      I guess we are all partial to a favorite. Artists ARE unique, right down to their choice of paper towel. Happy day to you Carol!


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