February was a moody month for me. Haha. At least, by the looks of my collage. I didn’t think about doing groups of three. The first was just luck of the draw. I had three sheets of paper ready to go (prepped in January). On the 10th – 18th, I found 3 each, cradled board, and canvas boards in two different sizes. Quite nice, as it removed that part of the decision-making from the equation. As Gump would say, “One less thing.” Haha.
As usual, I had lots of ideas at the beginning of the month, that I never got around to. One thing leads to another, and pretty soon I am headed down a different road. And I still have the large 36 x 36-inch blank canvas hanging on my wall. Though, I did have fun trying some ideas out with that. It is next on my list. Again.
In this creative round, there are 15 pieces I could easily chuck in the round file. But, there are 12 that I am very happy with. Not a bad percentage. There are six that I have started reworking, and I will share those with you soon. You can see some of my favorites below.

Thanks so much for following along! Your encouragement and suggestions are so meaningful to me. You helped me to keep going on the days when nothing seemed to work.
Thank you, my friends!
In a few days, I will share art and collages from the many artists who make up the Creative Gathering. They are all so extremely gifted. I am so honored to work alongside them. You will love a virtual stroll through the Gathering’s Gallery!
See you soon!