I know. Too much sky. I was working on clouds further up, but they bombed. So I washed over it. You can see a hint of the jagged shapes if you go looking for them. Before the wash dried, I took a tissue to the wet and created soft, almost invisible cloud shapes. The shapes were more pronounced while the paint was wet. But I am happy with them.
I had in mind the first painting I did like these. That was in a 2016 painting challenged. WOW! Doesn’t feel that long ago. It is one of my favorites. It was loose and abstracted. I keep trying to get back to that. And I keep failing. LOL
It started raining while I was working. That influenced the colors, and I think helped loosen it up a bit. Before I splattered paint, I splattered water. I knew the paint would flow when it hit the wet areas.
Tried it as a 4 x 6 postcard. It may work better with less sky. What do you think?