Tag Archives: sheiladelgado.com

Day 11 Of 30



Mingus Red. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Mingus Red. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Very pleased with this. I started late and had to work fast. My goal was to keep the color fresh and not heavy-handed. I actually did it this time! So tempted to go back in and deepen the back ridge. Where you see the curved line on the left, I meant to deepen the area underneath. I will go back and finish that as well as try to mimic the rough texture that is on the right side.

More work on the 4 x 4’s today:

Decide that 4 are junk and gesso over them. One survived.
Cover all with warm base color. Pull one more from stack and cover it as well.
Work all as abstracts.
Finish three. Think they are junk, but decide to keep going.  For a few seconds I feel like crying because this is my third start over. In my head I shout, “I suck at abstracts!!!”
Think that there is a lot I suck at. But TRY to remember there are a few things I am good at.
Conclude I will feel better if I eat something. So I eat.
Come back to the now dry pieces. Keep working.
End up with two that I think are pretty good. Think even Leslie might like them.
Work a third, not so abstract but it is rustic. Think it needs a few more marks. Or something. Will add it in the next session.
Still paint in my butcher tray. My aversion to wasting supplies keeps me going.
Work two more.
Not happy with them, but will attempt to salvage in the next session.

Final count:
2 that might be really good.
2 that need just a little more work.
2 that may or may not be painted over.

Closer to being the 7 days ahead that I need to be. Feeling less stressed. Whew!! Now I just need to work on the posts.

Hope you all had a productive day. Happy creating!
Thanks so much for your supportive suggestions and observations!!

Take a peek at everyone’s day eleven!

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glorious artworks by friends and favorites!




Day 10 of 30



Electric Blue. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Electric Blue. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

The sunset today wasn’t grand or “ahh” inspiring. Still it caught my eye. There was a line of glowing blue along the ridge. And the clouds seemed to be that same vivid hue.

Take a look and tell me if you can see it.


Blue clouds. SMD

I can’t get over the color in the clouds. This painting is a do over. Mostly because I want to do it better. And also, because that bit of yellow makes no sense. I wanted to capture a bit of warmth in that section of clouds. But it looks like the sun is setting there, and this view is to the east. No sense at all.

On to day eleven!


Take a peek at everyone’s day ten!

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glorious artworks by friends and favorites!






Day 9 Of 30



Salmon Sky. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Salmon Sky. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Started this after nine tonight. After painting most of the day. Just over five hours of work on five small pieces, and still not one I would call finished. But I suppose I am closer to getting ahead than if I hadn’t worked, right?

Thought about just posting the WIP’s. But then I really would  not be ahead. Besides, we had a sweet sunset. And I had paper at the ready. This group of hills sits north-east of us. It is really  separate peaks. Our site makes them look like a small, connected grouping.

There were no visible clouds in the sky. When the sun lowered enough, the entire sky became salmon, with hints of purple streaks.

4 x 4 WIP’s

I had three favorites at the start of the session. Two soon became least favorites. Always the way right? I worked one canvas at a time, and while it was drying, went on to the next. I used mostly palette knives, and I am happy for the practice. Later I used a large brush. I confess, I covered up the two disasters.

4 x 4 WIP #1

4 x 4 WIP #1

For #1 I had in mind a garden view. Abstracted. I soon realized that my trying to make it into something specific was not working.  For #2, I just added colors, no intention.  The white shapes made me think of leaves. The brush I used has long since been damaged. Glue or paint has dried in the bristles, creating a gap in the middle. The brush is great for spreading large amounts of paint. Won’t be tossing it anytime soon.

4 x 4 WIP #2

4 x 4 WIP #2


Pretty much decided #1 is a do over. I like the movement, and the colors in #2. But to me it is just a bunch of blobs.  There is no story, or feeling, and no focal point. It is just not finished yet.

Happy daily creating to you! Thanks so much for visiting, hearing from you keeps me going!


Take a peek at everyone’s day nine!

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glorious artworks by friends and favorites!