Tag Archives: sheiladelgado.com

Liberate Your Art 2017


LYA 2017 envelope. watercolor. SMD

LYA 2017 envelope. watercolor. SMD

It’s LYA time again. I always look forward to Kat Sloma’s postcard exchange. This will be the seventh year I have taken part. You can find out more and see the cards I sent out in earlier swaps by clicking on the link in the sidebar. There are also links to Kat’s showcase videos if you need a jolt of artistic inspiration.

This year I took a regular manilla envelope added a layer of gesso, and then watercolor. A quick bit of fun. The envelope is sort of a gift for Kat. For all the hard work she puts in to the event. She posts some of them on her blog, so we can all see the fabulous artwork. I don’t remember who started it, but now it is  a swap tradition. Postcards are ordered and on the way.  Can’t wait to see them!



Click on image for more.

Click on image for more.





A Little Something


Birth day balloons. 5 x 5 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Birth day balloons. 5 x 5 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

A gift for the new parents, and new arrival. A “birth” day gift.  We are still waiting for Little Mr., but all is well. Doctors have moved up the date. Mama is tiny, and baby is 9 pounds already, so he will likely arrive via cesarean. Did you know that nearly one in three women in America deliver via cesarean? Neither did I.

Happy day y’all!


The link in the image doesn’t seem to be working, so just in case, click here.

Click image for more

Click image for more








Morning fog at Mingus. SMD 2017

Morning fog at Mingus. SMD 2017

Both of these photos are from Monday. Good day. Inspirational views.

Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset,
Swiftly flow the days,
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers,
Blossoming even as they gaze…

Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset!
Swiftly fly the years,
One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears…

Fiddler on the Roof

Mingus is blushing. SMD 2017

Mingus is blushing. SMD 2017

Cloudscape bookmark. SMD 2017

Cloudscape bookmark. SMD 2017

Postcards. SMD 2017

Postcards. SMD 2017

Recently worked on postcards for friends. Sending my brand of sunshine, and prayers for quick and pain-free recovery. Made mini bookmarks too. With a positive affirmation. A little prayer my Mom has always said. I don’t know where it comes from to be honest.


I am surrounded by the white light of love & protection,
and the blue light of health & healing.

I painted them on my new/old paint boards that my friend Mark cut for me. I saved the back of my Arches watercolor block. It was a large one, so he was able to get four 6 x 6 and three 4 x 4 pieces. Thank you Mark!

Recycled paint boards.

Recycled paint boards.

I have to credit Sandy Sandy with the idea. One of the cool tips she gave us in her FUNdamentals of Alcohol Ink E-Course. Thank you Sandy!  I always save the back of pads of paper, so much you can use them for. But the Arches is so thick, I wasn’t able to cut it myself.

I will finish sanding the edges to smooth them. Mostly because I am a neat freak, but also to prevent paper cuts. My collection of paint boards now includes a 12 x 12 balsa wood, a 10 x 10 balsa wood, and these. And I recycled to boot! Wooo Whooo!

I thought about laminating one side of the board. I would be able to wipe off any spillage. But I think having the absorbent paper will work better.

Hope your Valentines day was memorable! Want a unique idea for next year? The town I grew up in has a long-standing tradition, Loveland Colorado. Their Valentine re-mailing program makes for a fun surprise.