Tag Archives: sheiladelgado.com

Liberate Your Art 2017



LYA Postcards 2017, SMDelgado

LYA Postcards 2017, S.M.Delgado

Kat Sloma’s Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap begins tomorrow. I had my cards printed this year, instead of making them myself. I am happy with how they turned out. The card stock is not as heavy as I expected, but they should survive the USPS.

Kat shared my envelope again this year on one of her posts. Such an honor to be included with so many talented, amazing artists. I always feel so uncreative when it comes time to decorate my envelope.  My mind goes blank. LOL.

LYA 2017 Envelope, SMD

LYA 2017 Envelope, SMD

I have already shared a few early side swaps with you. Stay tuned as I share the cards I receive, and hopefully tell more about the artists who have created them. Happy LYA to Kat and all the swappers!



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Postcard Play, Odds and Ends



10 minute postcard #1, 4 x 6 watercolor. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

10 minute postcard #1, 4 x 6 watercolor. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Caught my second wind at 11:30 pm. Truth be told it was my first wind. Pulled out the left over paints I have on dishes, and in bowls. I have missed my “colors”. Thought about doing bouquets, but hey, it was almost midnight. So a single bloom on a deep background won out.

Happy little accident in card one. Do you see it? Indigo ran amuck.


10 minute postcard #2, 4 x 6 watercolor. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

10 minute postcard #2, 4 x 6 watercolor. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Feel so much better now that I painted. Caught up on some “work” reading today. Found some glitches I had to fix in my Society6 shop.  Still  some to address. Amazing how long the “little” things can take! The server will be down for a few hours tonight. The internet company is upgrading or some such. So my apologies in advance if you had a hard time reaching this site.

I found that I had not posted these photos of our last snow.  About two weeks ago now. Maybe three. I love how you can see the mounds of earth that formed eons ago. Those are not always visible. Both of these were taken on the same day, within a 20 minute time span.


Beautiful Mingus.

Beautiful Mingus.

Mingus View

Mingus View

More catching up, I finished this project last week. I have been working on a design assignment, and fell behind on posting. Take a look at my new “Inspiration board”. There will be a larger board on the wall next to this.

Ahhh... art on the wall!

Ahhh… art on the wall!

Remember those cork trivets? Hung them with Command strips.



It’s here!! The LYA swap begins soon! Kat posted more envelope art. Really cool, what everyone has been up to.  Click the image to visit Kat’s site. Next week art will arrive!

