Whew, we are over the hump, and comin’ round the bend. I have to admit I am glad we are almost there. I have had a high ratio of good paintings to bad, but I am not sure how long I can keep that up! ;-.)
For today, I worked on an 8 x 8 canvas panel. I took my cue for an artist I admire, Sandrine Pelissier. She does amazing large-scale work, and her floral arrangements are so fun and cheerful. I know part of the reason I love them so much, is all the pattern details she adds to them.

Icky Banana. Mixed media, 8 x 8 canvas panel. © 2014 Sheila Delgado
I had too much fun on this. It is not a one day painting. I prepped the panel with the purple a couple of days ago. Cool found tool – I used a nail head to “stamp” the circles on the table.
Only a few days left to enjoy the gallery on Leslie’s Blog.