This is the second of the flower series. Painted the same day, after Day 12. I showed the yellow flowers yesterday, because I did not want this to suffer by comparison to the first purple piece. I went much darker on this. Intentionally. I like both Day 12 and Purple Reign, for different reasons.
Which do your prefer?
I am having fun with these flowerscapes. I painted them while standing, unusual for me. I had to raise my desk, to accommodate my Raskog cart. Now the desk is too high for my chair, (I’m shopping the sales for an office chair). Standing has helped me to work loose. I am having so much fun, I want to go larger!
Thanks for stopping by!
Take a look at day 14 on Leslie Seata’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!
My Pinterest board for the event is bursting with over 700 works of art!