Purple Play. 6 x 6 watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado
Painted this late last night. Should have turned off the light, but I picked up a brush instead. Really happy with how it turned out. And today four more came into being. I am ahead if I continue to paint each day.
Such fun to splash water, and splash colors, and let them mingle!
FUNdamentals of Alcohol Ink E-Course
Sandy Sandy has a new class starting this week and I am so excited to be taking part! The FUNdamentals of Alchohol Ink E-Course is a four-week course, with more than two dozen demos! I was hesitant to sign up, and commit to it at the same time as the challenge. But I couldn’t resist. I LOVE Sandy’s work with inks!
I can create at my own pace, and will have access to the lessons for a full year. I have worked with inks just a little on Yupo. I am really excited to learn more about the medium. Take a peek at the links, Sandy has some short videos that show what we will be up to!
My site might be up and down this morning, They are replacing some “trunk equipment” in the area. Don’t ask me what that means. Tech talk. I am just thankful I was finally able to get my post up!
Happy creative Monday to you!
Take a look at day 12 on Leslie Seata’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!
My Pinterest board for the event is bursting with almost 600 works of art!