Simple Start #1. 4 x 4 Acrylic on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Thinking these must be starts. Incomplete abstracts. I have a few ideas of what I might do next. We will see if those ideas are still alive tomorrow, or if they are replaced with new ones. Used a palette knife to spread the paint. Getting more practice in.

Simple Start #2. 4 x 4 Acrylic on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Simple Start #3. 3.75 x 4.25 Acrylic on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper © 2017 Sheila Delgado
I meant to add texture while the paint was still wet. As you can see I completely spaced it.
I signed up for a free workshop with Laly Mille. Follow the link for more information. I am looking forward to it. I am sure it will help keep my momentum going.