Lotus. 4 x 6 postcard, watercolor and pen on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado
My painting for today is another postcard for Kat Sloma’s Liberate Your Art Postcard Exchange. Kat has volunteers help her to sort and prep the cards for mailing. I am going to send extra cards, as a “Thank You” for their help in making the exchange possible.
I was looking through The Grammar of Ornament by Owen Jones today. One of my treasures. My brother treated me to it at a discount book store, years ago. Six dollars for an encyclopedias worth of design information. My inspiration today is from the section on Egyptian motifs.
The lotus flower was a symbol of purity and rebirth. Lotus is often seen with Papyrus in artworks, together they symbolize the unity between upper and lower Egypt. It takes several days for the lotus to rise from murky pond waters. Amazing flower don’t you think?