Acrylic, Gouache, and Pen on 5 x 7 canvas panel. © Sheila Delgado 2013
I always remember this poem wrong. It is one of my favorites, but one word always gets replaced in my mind. Maybe it is all those years in Choir singing “Silent Night”. I was trying to be so sure, I would write the correct word on the canvas. As you can see, I goofed again. I am laughing at myself, I was being so very careful.
I am the quiet type, so it makes perfect sense to me. My apologies to Lord Byron and to my college Poetry Professor Otto Pfeiff.
I am not entirely happy with this one. Her eyes and lips were there from the start, but her nose never made an appearance. I tried several but nothing worked. Maybe I will give her a nose job in a day or two.
She Walks in Beauty