Today I am joining Kim Smith for her EGGSTRAVAGANZA Painting Party on Instagram! #kimsmithfriends if you would like to see more. If you haven’t seen Kims work before, treat yourself to a few minutes on her site. I love her flowers, her birds… everything!
Last night we had a spectacular sunset. We ooo’d and aww’d. Haha.
Mingus Sunset 3-21-20
There is one case of the virus in Prescott, our neighbor city. Two reported in Sedona, an hour east of Mingus. Just over 100 in Arizona. Our county had been virus-free. Stay safe!
Keep On The Sunny Side
Let us greet with a song of hope each day Though the moments be cloudy or fair Let us trust in our Savior always To keep us, everyone, in His care
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side Keep on the sunny side of life It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way If we’ll keep on the sunny side of life
I thought I missed it. The best shot. Turns out I didn’t. That is why the photos above are in reverse order. I pulled out the pink in Photoshop. On my phone, the sky almost looked white. I didn’t have to adjust it much, to see the pink as it was. Sort of eerie, like being on Mars. A pretty, human-friendly, oxygen-filled Mars.
I made the 30-Day Creative Gathering board on Pinterest public. My idea worked. Whew! I added the photos (sent to me by participants) to a page on my site. The page will not be published, but I can pin from there to the board. Take a look, September was a great month for art!
Only thing is, if you click those images on the board, they link to the page on my site. I didn’t think anyone would see it. Now I need to dress it up and credit each of you. On my list for tomorrow. I’d still like to include everyone who created during the challenge. I added the FB post about it to the announcements section if you are interested. If you would like to be represented on the board, you can message me your collage, and/or 1 to 2 works created during the challenge.
Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures. Lovelle Drachman
I have been playing with scraps and paint the last week or so. Usually right before bed. I’m painting lots of blah and yuck. But the process is… restorative. Today the weather was feeling sort of grey and sad. So of course, I felt like painting bright flowers.
Many prefer not to exercise their imaginations at all. They choose to remain comfortably within the boundsof their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are. J.K. Rowling
I had no idea what I was going to do with this. It started with the wash. I was started two at a time. And I put this one aside. And then I read Sea’s post. There was my inspiration. Sea was even egging me on. Donna Pierce Clark posted a gorgeous sunflower in the group. I borrowed her idea of the green centers.
I pulled out my stencils and layered them on. I thought about adding smalle sky blue flowers. But it is getting late and I still need to work on tomorrow’s piece. So instead, I splattered blue paint, and white and green. Calling is done for now. Maybe it is better to keep the palette warm. What do you think?
Day ten puts us 1/3 of the way through the challenge! That was quick! Maybe it was the long wait to do this. Ha-ha-ha.