Our 30-Day Creative Gathering is an informal gathering of creators. Just paint each day in February (& September). Or sketch, or take a photo. We welcome all levels, all mediums.
Creating each day doesn’t have to mean completing a finished piece. Work in progress is welcome!
You can choose to follow a theme, experiment with new tools, use a new palette. Or not. 😉
By gathering together we connect with others, make new friends, & cheer each other on.
Whew! I am amazed I was able to do so many collage pieces this month. Thank you Lord! They were so much fun, and I learned so much. Fear made me delay starting them. Stupid fear.
Spoonflower Design Challenges
I completed all of challenges this month. Again, Lots of learning here. I learned how to make a check and a plaid. And my speed is improving. Very happy about that.
Along with each challenge design, I was able to create a small collection with pattern variations and solid coordinates. I may also add a ditsy print, textured solid, stripe or other coordinating pattern to them.
For the Ikat Cross, I am going to make some slight changes before working on a collection. More fun ahead. I also will work more on the two Circle pattern Ideas. 🌻
Thanks so much for following along with me this month. Your encouragement is a blessing. And thank you so much, for voting in the design challenges. Thank you! 😊
Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. Henry Van Dyke
If you want to make time fly, do a daily challenge. Haha. It feels like we should be starting May or June. As if months have passed, instead of just one. So much work has been done. I have to admit, I am pretty stoked that I completed 30 days. Hand in the air for a high five. Haha. I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it. And truth be told, I napped a lot. I procrastinated often. The muse was napping too I think.
Tomorrow I will share my collage of the 30 pieces, and also my favorites with you. Later this week I will share a small sample of the works created by the artists in the group. You won’t want to miss it!
If people would just look at the paintings, I don’t think they would have any trouble enjoying them. It’s like looking at a bed of flowers, you don’t tear your hair out over what it means. Jackson Pollock