Our September creative gathering marks the close of our fifth year. Five years of friendly, fruitful, fun. Along with creating 571 pieces of art, over 5000 conversations took place (comments). That’s a whole lot of chit-chat and cheering each other on!
Our daily average number of posts was down this round. Many of our long time members were unable to participate. Fingers crossed they will join us in February.
I’m so excited, to be able to share a glimpse at the fabulous works created by our group. Below is a video highlighting two pieces from each artist. You will also see a collage of all the work they created during the month. I usually do not include myself in the group gallery, but as it is only a video that will be posted to our group Pinterest board, I added myself at the end.
I struggled to make this, hate to admit. Photoshop changed things, and I had to learn it all over again. I apologize that there is no music track. I have set a fairly long delay rate, to give you enough time to look through the collages. It runs about 4 minutes, and will repeat. These are low resolution images, so there may be some slight pixelation or blur. But that serves to protect the works from being copied.
Grab a cuppa’ and enjoy!
The Creative Gathering Group Gallery 9 23
Congratulations to each of you! You set aside time for yourself, & your dedication has tangible results. You had a fabulous month of creating!
I’m so grateful to be able to share this time with you!
Our 30-Day Creative Gathering is an informal gathering of creators. Just paint each day in February (& September). Or sketch, or take a photo. We welcome all levels, all mediums.
Creating each day doesn’t have to mean completing a finished piece. Work in progress is welcome!
You can choose to follow a theme, experiment with new tools, use a new palette. Or not.
By gathering together we connect with others, make new friends, & cheer each other on.
Whew! I am amazed I was able to do so many collage pieces this month. Thank you Lord! They were so much fun, and I learned so much. Fear made me delay starting them. Stupid fear.
Spoonflower Design Challenges
I completed all of challenges this month. Again, Lots of learning here. I learned how to make a check and a plaid. And my speed is improving. Very happy about that.
Along with each challenge design, I was able to create a small collection with pattern variations and solid coordinates. I may also add a ditsy print, textured solid, stripe or other coordinating pattern to them.
For the Ikat Cross, I am going to make some slight changes before working on a collection. More fun ahead. I also will work more on the two Circle pattern Ideas.
Thanks so much for following along with me this month. Your encouragement is a blessing. And thank you so much, for voting in the design challenges. Thank you!