The clouds were playing tricks just after a brief rain. Glorious rain! The front range looked black, snuggled up against Mingus. And the clouds, they were in on the fun. I saw a face clear as the eyes on my head. It was there. Two eyes, a nose, and a hint of a mouth. Now I can only see the eye. Do you see it?
Eye Spy. SMD 2020
When we feel stuck, look at the sky. The clouds remind us that everything changes. Unknown
I have been working on this post for about a week. The evidence is in the mishmash that follows. I hope you are well and keeping safe.
Mom brought home a new plant. None of the photos do it justice. It was glowing and gorgeous. Heuchera, Southern Comfort Coral Bells.
JOYful Color.
Center of Attention.
They had to run to Home Depot because a pipe burst in the master bedroom. It flooded half the room, the carpet was soaked. The water flowed all the way into the master bath. This on a late Sunday afternoon. Perfect timing.
We found a plumber to come out, but he told us that if we could wait until Monday, it would save about $300. Definitely wait. The water damage crew came in and set up fans, moved the furniture, and pulled up the carpet. They were all great and as quick as could be. But it still was almost two weeks of people in the house, and dust and mess.
I was quarantined x2. Or quarantined squared. Haha. I stayed mostly in my room because the blowing dust was making me sneeze and cough even more than usual.
Water Damage.
Drywall up.
Hey Bunny, Bunny
It’s been a long time since I have spotted bunnies in the yard. I saw this one, and managed to get the camera ready in time. Almost. Haha. He was fairly tiny. A young bun. He ran across the yard, across the street to the Pampas bush. They like to chill under there. Out of sight from the hawk and crows.
Rabbit on the run.
Look both ways.
I went out on Friday, for my infusion. (It’s a shot, for my lungs. I have to sit there for 30 minutes to be sure I do not have a reaction to it.) Most of the trees are done blooming. On to the next stage. There was a lot of traffic. Some stores were busy. But many were closed. So strange to see. Bizarre right? I never would have imagined I’d see aisle after aisle, empty in a Walmart. Unreal. It felt like a luxury to be behind the wheel.
I’ve been working on a project I hope to share with you soon. I’m going on the second week, haha, we shall see how soon, soon turns out to be. This is part of it. And it has been in my mind lately. Enjoy!
It looks like a stack of Easter eggs to me. Messy experimental cacti. I thought it might be good for a laugh. I used leftover gouache. I added one color at a time and thought I could go back and blend. But they did not want to cooperate. The few areas where blending occurred, started to get muddy. Next time I will use multiple brushes and blend while the paint is wet.
I found calm in the process. Fun in seeing the vibrant colors.
I had an appointment today, and I was able to see the trees filled with pink and white blooms. So pretty. I was behind a semi in town, and he bumped against some of them, made it rain pretty white petals.
It has remained cold. So there is still snow on the mountain. Today it was glowing brightly in the sunlight.
A few of my favorite things for today.
Mingus 3.19.20, SMD
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you wellness!