Mingus in the Mist. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Whew! Day 2!
I have 16, 4 x 4 gallery wrapped canvas. Had planned on using them for the challenge. But I have “ruined” 7 of them. So much for getting ahead. I am going to be out-of-town the last week of the challenge. Before then, I need to have my art painted and scanned.
Today I attempted to do an acrylic on one of the canvases. Using a palette knife. How much experience do I have painting with a palette knife? Uh huh. Next to none.
Still, parts were not too bad. I ended by scraping off most of the paint. And what I thought was a hideous shade of camouflage green (from the mixed paint), dried to a not-so-awful shade of yellow-green. There is a bit of interesting texture as well.
Not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but I am thrilled to know it can be saved.
I love this photo of the hills. The light revealed peaks that usually blend as a whole (on the right). I know I will use this photo as a reference again and again.

Mingus 11-2 2016
Take a peek at everyone’s day two!
Started filling my Pinterest board, WOW!