I’m showing two weeks of paintings here. I’ve had technical difficulties with my site. Basically I have used up all of my allotted space on the server. Which means I am unable to upload new images. Not good for an art blog.
So here they are. Slightly out of order I think. Most are 4 x 4’s. I have also done 4 x 6 and the last several days I have been using 5 x 5’s.
Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity. Maya Angelou
I was talking on the phone with a friend, and the sky was quickly changing. I put her on speaker, and while we continued the conversation, I tried to catch a shot of the lightning. It was striking just to the right of Mingus.
Surprise! What a treat! I had a visitor come right up to the window. And she hung right in front of me for a second or two, as if to say, “Hello”. The photos are blurry. Maybe that is what makes them so magical. Like little fairies.
I turned back to the sky, and there was a wall of rain. Then the light show started. I took too many photos to count. And I didn’t think I had caught the lightning. Woo Whoo! Look closely at slide four, there is lightning behind the tree on the right.
The following day, we had a bit more rain. And more glorious skies. First a double rainbow.
I captured a lightning bolt in video, and was so excited to share it with you. I’ve been trying for two days to get the video to play. I wanted to edit it, the window frame was visible, and the end was choppy as I lowered the phone. But I couldn’t get it saved right. And I have done this before? 🤣 Ugghh! Well, learn something new everyday. I edited it my phone. DUH. I didn’t know you could do that. 🤣🤣🤣
I had already saved these frames to share so here they are. The strike takes 12 frames. But here are just a few.
In the final week now. Curious to know if your July has passed as quickly as mine. Haha. Choosing this 2 x 2 inch size was a surprisingly good idea. So much fun! I’m going to keep a stack of minis at the ready.
Time to paint!
Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things. – Ray Bradbury