Hydrangea. 5 x 5 watercolor on cold press paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado
Working on my looseness. Another unsuccessful attempt. There should be more of a balance between hard and soft edges. Still I think this is a good painting. My Base is a little too dark, and it looks as if the vase is on the edge of the table. As a learning experience, this gets A.
I did manage to refrain from adding too much detail. I think I have just enough to suggest the individual petals. Good shadows, and shading on the vase. I would put this in a frame.
I may try this one again for tomorrow. Try to get more of it right, and less of it wrong.
I really do hope you have taken some time to visit Leslie’s art challenge. There are so many talented artists taking part. Beautiful, beautiful work to view. Stay warm out there!