Tag Archives: Leslie Saeta’s January 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Day 29 of 30 in 30

Pear Day 29. 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Pear Day 29. 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Today my painting comes with a mini lesson on the wonders of Photoshop. I am not going to get all into the specs. I just want to show the difference it can make. I have a couple of friends who are new to using the program, and I wanted to share some of the features I use.

I have not taken any classes on Photoshop, I would love to. I am self-taught, and what I need to learn is still more than what I know. But learning is fun, so I have more to look forward to!

For posting my artwork here, I often use image adjustments to show it at its best. (Most often, the scan is true to life, and adjustments are not needed.)

Pear Day 29. (original) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Pear Day 29. (original) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

My pear today was done in a very light wash. More water than pigment. I did not start with a sketch. As you can see, the original scan looks completely washed out. Faded. I think it is due to the transparency of the watercolor. The white of the paper is reflecting through the paint.

Pear Day 29. (vibrance) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Pear Day 29. (vibrance) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

The original scan was not true this time. I first adjusted the vibrancy. ( Image – adjustments – vibrance) This also gives you the option to change the saturation, but I rarely do that here. ( You can adjust the saturation with more control with the hue/sat tab.)

You probably can’t see much, if any difference between the original above, and the pear to the left. Honestly, to me they look reversed. My eyes must be tired. This time the change did not make a huge difference, but it did brighten the colors a bit.

Pear Day 29. (curves) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Pear Day 29. (curves) 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

The other adjustment I use is the curves. There is a lot you can do, and I may not even be using it correctly. You can deepen the colors here. This is good in some cases, and I do like how the pear looks here (to the right). But It is not true to the original.

Pear Day 29. 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

Pear Day 29. 4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © Sheila Delgado

To the left is the image with both the vibrance and the curves adjustments used together. The green is deeper, and the yellow is brighter. This is true to the original painting.

One more day of the 30 in 30 challenge. If you have not had a chance to visit Leslie’s site for a look, you still have time.

Thanks for stopping by! Thanks to all of you who take the time to comment. It is always great to hear from you!

Day 27 & 28 in 30 of 30

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

A lot of nuthin’ much going on here today. I have painted a day ahead for most of this challenge. I thought yesterdays painting was done and posted, but it wasn’t.  Duh.

Today has been a Donna Summer day. Been working hard for the money. I am sharing most of the rejects from today. These are the best of the worst.


Guess I should cut myself some slack. I went to the drive in last night,  double feature. Then I came home and worked for a couple of hours. We saw Lone Survivor

God Bless our American servicemen and women.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

4 x 5 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper.

Lack of sleep is obviously detrimental to my creativity. Still, I think each of these has something that is redeemable. And I had fun, so not a total loss.  All practice is good practice!






5 x 5 watercolor on YUPO

5 x 5 watercolor on YUPO



Pineapple Palm – Day 26 of 30 in 30

Pineapple palm. 5 x 7 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado

Pineapple palm. 5 x 7 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado

I am having too much fun painting palm trees. I love palm trees. I love watching them move in a gentle breeze. Listen to their soft rustling sounds.

My favorite, is the Pineapple palm. They are short and stocky, and just as the name implies, they look like a giant pineapple. No wonder they scream vacation to me. Sunny Island, colorful drinks with slices of fruit and little umbrellas. OK, so maybe I watched too much Magnum P.I., but can you blame me?

I am calling this done, but I think I may go back in and add a bit to the shadow on the trunk. Any opinions? That dark line is bothering me. I did go in and add some dark to the trunk, but maybe it needs more. I need to create more of a curve.

Pineapple Palm - Work in Progress.

Pineapple Palm – Work in Progress.

I created an animation of my progress. Learned a few new things today! The only changes in the third slide are that I removed a stroke on the top frond, it was too long. I also connected the trunk to the fronds on the right side. Little tweaks that I think made a big difference.

Only five more days left in Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.

Hope you like the slide show!