Painting last night led only to complete disaster. I have three alcohol ink, and two acrylic pieces of yuck as proof. Oh well…
Today I started watching videos on working with alcohol ink. And after a couple of hours… finally I created something that I don’t have to be embarrassed about showing.
This was created on canvas. Wait, canvas? With alcohol ink? I saw a video where ink was used over a gesso base. I have two of these tiny canvases, and I thought, what could it hurt?
Here it is in the teeny-tiny fame that came with it. Too cute right? Whew, that is all I have to say. Now I can catch up on visiting the other artists blogs!
Treat yourself, visit Leslie’s site for a look at the artwork created today.
Also hop on over to Sea Dean’s blog and vote, each vote is a chance to win prizes!
Visit Cindy Williams and read one of her artist interviews!
Over 500 phenomenal pieces of art so far, on my Pinterest board for this event.