Wooo Whoo! I managed to paint first thing this morning. Now if I can just remember to post it to Leslie’s site. I forgot to do that yesterday. Have a super day everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by, I really appreciate hearing from you!
Pear Tree by Hilda Doolittle
Silver dust
lifted from the earth,
higher than my arms reach,
you have mounted,
O silver,
higher than my arms reach
you front us with great mass;
no flower ever opened
so staunch a white leaf,
no flower ever parted silver
from such rare silver;
O white pear,
your flower-tufts
thick on the branch
bring summer and ripe fruits
in their purple hearts.

Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold press. 4 x 6, © 2013 Sheila Delgado