Granite Mountain Close-up
Today was so crisp and clear, gave a great view of Granite Mountain. The wall is new. There will be houses just beyond, but they are supposed to be single story homes. Sure hope so, or we will lose this view.

Granite Mountain
Did some painting today. Not on canvas or paper. These cork trivets (Ikea) will be put to good use soon.

DIY studio decor.
Came across this painting from November. It needed to be fixed, and I finally got to it today. It had an unfortunate splotch. You can see the original here. I had to rework the sky area several times before I was happy with it. I added more ink, and the edges along the petals became “ruffled” in the process. I really like the effect.

3.75 x 3.75 in. Alcohol ink on mineral paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado
I opened up the back door to get a clear shot of the mountain. Brought this song to mind, and it stayed all afternoon.
Have a great weekend and may you find no sorrow!